Seven reasons why your business needs fast web hosting in 2020

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When it comes to fast web hosting, you can ensure that your website is loading as fast as it can by developing it. It is also vital that you make sure you are in the best hosting environment there is.
A crucial factor that affects your Google rankings – SEO – is the loading speed of your website. In short, you are losing business if your website is loading slowly on the internet.
Fast web hosting – what can be done to increase it?CPU Power
Shared hosting is taking one server and allocating a small amount of resources to each client or website. Most other hosting providers have a very high share ratio, which means one server could host 1,000 or more clients. Since a CPU can process only so much data at a time, if only a small number of those websites have visitors, the CPU would be overloaded and the website would start to slow down. Find a web host that has a very low share ratio, thereby ensuring that your website can load as fast as possible.
Random-access memory is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order. It is typically used to store working data and machine code. The more RAM you have, the less work the CPU has to do, and the faster websites built on WordPress can load and be developed.
SSD hard drives
In its simplest form, an SSD is flash storage and has no moving parts. SSD storage is much faster than its HDD equivalent. HDD storage is made up of magnetic tape and has mechanical parts. They’re larger than SSDs and much slower to read and write.
Some hosting companies in South Africa host their servers offshore. Try and find a web hosting company that hosts its servers in South Africa. This makes a considerable difference in loading time. If you want your website to attract users from South Africa, you need your website to be as close to them as possible because, quite simply, it has less distance to travel and will load faster.
Data centre security
Some web hosting companies use technology-driven measures to provide perimeter, building and access-control security. The perimeter fence is backed by high voltage barriers, the latest video surveillance technology and response systems. All outdoor and indoor access zones, including colocation racks, are monitored by video surveillance. Biometric access control systems and progressive access policies allow unattended access to authorised visitors. Work with a web hosting company that offers security personnel on site 24/7 to ensure the safety of its visitors.
Aura Host is a vendor-neutral data centre and welcomes any telecommunication and content provider to grow the network ecosystem. The company also hosts a local PoP of the INX-ZA internet exchange and has dual redundant fibre links into both Johannesburg and Cape Town NAPAfrica exchange points. Cable management by Aura Host ensures scalability and reliability. All racks are provisioned with 100Mbps by default, upgradable to 1Gbps. Additional CAT6 copper and fibre can be provided. Aura Host provides optional internet transit connectivity via multiple upstream providers as well as large scale peering at both the INX-ZA and NAPAfrica internet exchange points.
A web hosting company should provide a free monthly backup plan that only takes a few seconds to restore. For more active users, more rotational backups can be provided.
Get the assistance you needTechnical support and reliability
It is vital that you find a company that can help with coding and development problems as well as email and general technical problems.
Between backups, stable hosting environments and technical support, website hosting can be made faster by a company that offers all these.
Aura Host offers services at a reasonable cost and all packages come with an SSL certificate. For more information, or to switch to fast web hosting, contact Aura Host.