James Webb Space Telescope Captures Mind-Boggling Image of Protostar Lynds 483

James Webb Space Telescope Protostar Lynds 483
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured a mind-boggling image of protostar Lynds 483, located 650 light-years from Earth in the Serpens constellation. Its two twin flame-like structures are actually ejections from two actively forming stars at the center.

James Webb Space Telescope Protostar Lynds 483
The two stars themselves are concealed within an opaque disk of dust that fits into one pixel. These stars have been sending out column-like jets along with more “relaxed” outflows that willow, spread, and drape for tens of thousands of years. As these ejections collide with one another, new molecules form in their lobes.

Turn to the lower half. Here, the gas and dust appear thicker. Zoom in to find tiny light purple pillars. They point toward the central stars’ nonstop winds, and formed because the material within them is dense enough that it hasn’t yet been blown away. L483 is too large to fit in a single Webb snapshot, and this image was taken to fully capture the upper section and outflows, which is why the lower section is only partially shown.” said the JWST Mission Team.

James Webb Space Telescope Captures Mind-Boggling Image of Protostar Lynds 483

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