Modder Builds Custom Nintendo Wii Portable with Reactive RGB LEDs That Change Depending on the Game

You’ve seen the royal 24K Wii console made for Queen Elizabeth II, now check out Shank Mods’ custom Nintendo Wii portable with reactive RGB LEDs that change color depending on the game you’re playing. This isn’t just an emulation handheld either, as it uses a real Wii motherboard that has been chopped up yet still functions normally.
An RVL PMS2 board is used to handle all voltage regulation and battery management needs. Other features include a 5″ LCD screen, a USB-C port, and 74 addressable LEDs controlled by a Raspberry Pi Zero W running Hyperion. The latter is free, open-source ambient lighting software that analyzes the video and then extends those colors beyond the screen’s edges. Interested? You can get it here now.
The whole “extend the screen” idea actually makes a lot more sense to me on a handheld then a TV. I’m surprised nobody’s thought to do it before.
The results speak for themselves,” said one commenter.
Modder Builds Custom Nintendo Wii Portable with Reactive RGB LEDs That Change Depending on the Game
#Modder #Builds #Custom #Nintendo #Wii #Portable #Reactive #RGB #LEDs #Change #Depending #Game